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If you are ready to give a new breath to your life, you are in the right place.

It's through coaching and personal development that I've been able to build an inspiring life for myself, and today I firmly believe that with the boost you need, you too can become your own source of inspiration.

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Originally from the southeast of France, as a child, I was someone who was shy and lacked confidence.

After spending 5 years in the military and following a tragic family event, I suddenly discovered my passion for personal development and life coaching.

I trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Ericksonian Hypnosis. Now, I am dedicated to inspiring others to transform their confidence and dare to take action on what is important to them.



I practice an advanced coaching method called "Deep Coaching." This method combines all the benefits of traditional coaching, which focuses on strategies and solutions to achieve your goals, with the use of brief therapy protocols, allowing for profound work without delving into your past in every session, as in traditional therapy. The goal is to move forward while addressing any limitations that may arise along the way.

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"Behind every goal lies a deeper need, a more significant value than the goal itself. The aim is to pinpoint what truly matters and address the real issues."


 Clients testimonials 

Clément Dimaggio, Paris - France

« Honestly, I didn't expect to gain as much as I did. I already had confidence in Christophe, and I knew I would benefit from his coaching, but I didn't anticipate that his coaching would help me become so aware of my thought patterns and stir up so much. I didn't think my perspective would change so quickly. »

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